Catechism day Celebrated at Holy Rosary Church Alangar on 05.03.2023.

Fr Nilesh Crasta being the chief guest preached the homily and explained the transfiguration of Jesus and highlited the importance of catechism.

Fr Walter D'Souza was the main celebrant.

After the Mass children presented Bible and faith based cultural program from four groups, which included dances, singing, skits, action songs, Bible personality fancy dress, and Bible tableaus.

Miss Ishita Jane D'Souza as a student and Sr Felcita HMR shared their experience.

Prizes were awarded to all who secured 80% marks in the exam, two top scorers of writing Bible questions from each class, two best Bible copy writers from each class.

Prizes also were given to 5 best Bible fancy dresses in each group and two first and two second prizes for Bible tableaus.

Mr Santosh Rodrigues the convener of catechism read the yearly report.

Mr Eric Lobo animator of ycs welcomed Sr Helen Goveas proposed the vote of thanks Mrs Asha D'Souza compered.

Vice president Mr Edward Serrao, PPP secretary Mr Anil DCunha, commission coordinator Mr Rajesh D'Souza, PPP members, parents of children were present.
A home made grand dinner was served to all.






































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